Simon Staffans’ Year in Review 2018 is up! Honoured to be included!

I’m honoured to be included again in Simon Staffan’s Year in Now Media 201. 2017 felt like a year of tectonic / techtonic shifts – the US election hack, #metoo, blockchain, and more. And it feels like it’s time for big thinks at a McLuhanesque scale. Glad to be a part of this & looking forward to reading my fellow contributors. You can also download the iBook on iTunes:

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Simon Staffans’ Year in Now Media 2018


‘Transmedia Engagement: Participatory Culture to Activism’ – The Hunger Games & Metrics of Success

The following is a talk I gave June 1 in Toronto which sprang from my ongoing interest in The Hunger Games as a transmedia campaign. I wrote an earlier blog post, ‘Why The Hunger Games is Not Harry Potter, and Why You Should Care,’ in response to finishing the novels, which were far more disturbing than I had expected. Further mulling on Geoffrey Long’s How to Ride a Lion: A Call for a Higher Transmedia Criticism and Jeff Gomez & Fabian Niciezo’s “6 Reasons Why ‘the Avengers’ is Crushing it at the Box Office” resulted in this case study on ‘Transmedia Engagement: Participatory Culture to Activism.’ Your thoughts are welcome!

[slideshare id=13211730&doc=transmediaengagement-participatoryculturetoactivism-120605134233-phpapp01]

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