TMC Resource Kit

The TMC Resource Kit [] is a project co-created with Anthea Foyer to meet the needs of Canadian content creators moving into the digital sphere and Transmedia, Multi-Platform and Convergent production. This is a living website that will evolve as we add new case studies & resources over the coming year to build an extensive set of diverse case studies modeling unique and successful strategies in the digital sphere. Included in the resources is The Screen Australia Transmedia Bible written by Gary Hayes, a TMC How-To Resource, and other valuable tools.

The TMC Resource Kit is designed to help Canadian and international producers keep abreast of these changes by providing a comprehensive resource in regards to Transmedia, Multi-Platform and Convergent production strategies. Through these resources media producers in both countries will be brought up to date on:

  • understanding the value of an integrated development and production model;
  • working with other industry partners;
  • knowledge of existing and significant examples of convergent, multi-platform and transmedia projects (national & international);
  • create a familiarity with emergent technologies, platforms and practices;
  • help producers to push the envelope move to more integrated transmedia, multi-platform and convergent strategies